Improvement of Security in IOT Sensor Network to Overcome Harmful Intruder by Optimizing the Existing Techniques
M. R. Arun,
S. Selva Kumar
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2017
31 October 2017
13 November 2017
25 December 2017
Abstract: Internet of Things is the web of physical devices acquired through the Internet. These devices contain entrenched technology to connect with both internal environment or the external status. Internets of Things (IoT) devices are directly becoming ubiquitous while IoT services are becoming global. Cyber-intruders are not unique to IoT, but as it will be deeply merged in our lives and humankind, it is becoming essential to step up and take cyber protection seriously. With increasing use of it in diverse fields has improved the demands of various parameters, for an excessive degree of security and applications. In this paper, we have compared the variance in security features of new technology like Low-Power Wide Area (LPWA) network technologies: LoRaWAN and NB-IoT. The security features of every technology are specified in a comparison to demonstrate that security won't be the determining aspect while choosing on a LPWA technology. We describe the exceptional contributions that every characteristic makes the general security of a device and emphasize how the security functions may not or might be appropriate in our option of a LPWA technology, based on the designed use case. We consider whether the security functions of each technology are appropriate for a fixed of use cases representing standard deployments for every technology. Based on an assessment of an appropriate feature, we have calculated the performance of the security in each technology and the each use instances. After identifying the security problems in IoTs, this paper suggest answers from present technologies as a start line for establishing a standardized security paradigm in IoTs.
Abstract: Internet of Things is the web of physical devices acquired through the Internet. These devices contain entrenched technology to connect with both internal environment or the external status. Internets of Things (IoT) devices are directly becoming ubiquitous while IoT services are becoming global. Cyber-intruders are not unique to IoT, but as it wil...
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Design and Implementation of a Transformer Vandalism Monitoring System
Erick Kithinji Kirunguru,
Qi Huang,
Patrick Nyaaba Ayambire
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2017
31 October 2017
20 November 2017
2 January 2018
Abstract: Transformer vandalism is becoming an alarming issue in the whole world. Power distribution companies are incurring losses of billions of money due to transformer vandalism. This paper is going to contributes to the design and implementation of a transformer vandalism monitoring system architecture that can be used by the power companies to deter or monitor the transformers against vandals. It is going to design a monitoring system that can be able to detect the presence of a vandal near the transformer, raise the alarm and send a message/call the control room officers or security officers in designated areas for response. The paper is going to have an algorithm that will be able to show the transformer location, transformer number and the necessary authorities near the transformer. The monitoring system will be a combination of Arduino hardware with Integrated Development Environment (IDE) program, sensors, and GSM for mobile communications. In this paper, the case study will be Kenya Power Company, a state utility company that is responsible for distributing electricity to consumers, emergency electricity services and lastly retails the electricity in Kenya.
Abstract: Transformer vandalism is becoming an alarming issue in the whole world. Power distribution companies are incurring losses of billions of money due to transformer vandalism. This paper is going to contributes to the design and implementation of a transformer vandalism monitoring system architecture that can be used by the power companies to deter or...
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